Welcome to our guide for finding marketing jobs as a student! This web page is dedicated to helping ambitious and driven students like you navigate the exciting world of marketing and land valuable job opportunities.

Whether you’re an undergraduate or a graduate student, breaking into the competitive field of marketing can be challenging. However, with the right resources and strategies, you can gain a head start on your career path. The page offers valuable insights, tips, and resources to help you successfully embark on your journey towards securing a marketing job while still in school or not.

Platforms to find jobs

To find the best and most suitable jobs for your future career, in is useful to know the best platforms to search for and connect with new jobs. To help you discover the possibilities, we’ve provided some credible and effective job-searching platform you can use to be the start of your professional career. To go directly to the website, click the picture of the platform you would like to search on!

Tips to improve job searching

To further help you succeed in landing a job we’ve selected 3 effective tips you can use to improve your job searching strategy and make sure you be on top of everything when applying for a new job.

1. Make sure your resume is tailored to a specific job

Having an up-to-date resume is one of the first things to make sure is complete and adjusted to the job you’re applying for. A tailored resume for a specific job is important because it highlights relevant skills, experiences and qualifications, demonstrating your fit for the position. It shows genuine interest and dedication while effectively communicating your value proposition, increasing your chances of standing out and securing interview opportunities. Building your own free website can be done through websites such as ZetyCanva or Resume Genius

2. Expand your professional network

Expanding your professional network is essential for job searching as it provides access to valuable connections, referrals and insider information. By networking a lot, you allow yourself to tap into hidden job opportunities, gain insights into companies and receive support and guidance from experience professionals which will increase your chances of finding the right job. To do this, you can either use your own personal network or expand it more on LinkedIn.

3.  Job vacancies on company website

Something important to remember is that some companies post their open job positions on their own personal website instead of promoting it though job searching websites. It would be smart to list a number of companies that you would like to work with/for and search for job vacancies on their own websites. This way you might have an advantage over other applicants as well. Keep in mind that before applying for an open job position, make sure that you know the company’s values and what exactly they do to incorporate that in your messaging to the company to show your honest interest.

If you're struggling with creating a great resume, check out this video for more tips!


Finding internships and traineeships is a crucial step in kickstarting your career and gaining valuable practical experience. Whether you’re a student or a recent graduate, some tips that can help you secure the right internship would be to do  extensive research, use your network connections, Use online platforms (websites like LinkedIn, Stageplaza, Magnet.me, and Indeed often have internship listings from reputable companies.), attend career fairs and events & customise your application materials. This way, you can enhance your chances of finding a valuable opportunity that aligns with your career aspirations and helps you grow professionally.

Here are some extra guidelines to help you find the right internship:

What to do after graduation?

After graduation, the world becomes an open canvas brimming with endless possibilities. As a recent graduate, you have the opportunity to embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and professional growth. Here are a few inspiring ideas to consider: 

1. Keep educating yourself: Consider pursuing advanced degrees or specialised certifications to improve your knowledge in a specific field and enhance your career prospects. 

2. Explore internships and traineeships: Gain practical experience by seeking out internships or traineeships in industries that interest you. These opportunities allow you to apply your skills, expand your network, and potentially secure a full-time position. 

3. Start your own business: If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, consider launching your own business or startup. Identify a problem or need in the market and develop innovative solutions to make a meaningful impact. 

4. Volunteer and give back: Engage in community service or volunteer work to make a positive difference in the lives of others. It not only helps you develop valuable skills but also gives a sense of fulfilment and purpose. 

5. Travel and broaden your horizon: Embrace new cultures, expand your perspective, and gain global experiences by traveling. Whether it’s through backpacking, volunteering abroad, or working in different countries, travel can be a valuable experience. 

The post-graduation phase is a time for exploration, growth, and self-discovery. Embrace the uncertainty, follow your passions, and trust in your abilities. You have the power to shape your future and create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.

Personal Branding

In today’s competitive job market, establishing a strong personal brand can really enhance your career opportunities. By using the knowledge gained in the digital marketing courses, students can create a outstanding online presence that showcases their expertise and unique value proposition. 

To help you start your personal branding you can follow these steps as a guide to improve your personal presence online:

Set up your online profile

Make sure that you have a clear goal of how you want to present yourself by defining your strengths and ambitions

Make your resume stand out

Make sure to use images & text and interactive elements to engage the reader

Pick the right layout

It is important to create the user-experience for you reader so they will be more pleased with what they are presented with

Optimise your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a big platform to form connection and create a personal presence for people to notice you so it is very helpful to make the best of your profile

Check out these student-made examples of personal branding!

Do you want more information about personal branding and how it works?